Karyn Vecchio Irwin Memorial Scholarship

Karen Irwin pictured with Rob Goldsmith
founder of FundRacers

A scholarship in honor and memory of Karyn Vecchio Irwin - a loving, caring, wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend and educator.

Summary of Qualifications

The Karyn Vecchio Irwin Memorial Scholarship will be awarded again on February 28, 2025 to one or more students who meet all the following requirements...

  1. Have a sincere desire to pursue a degree in Education.
  2. Be a United States citizen.
  3. Have a cumulative grade point average from high school of at least 3.0.
  4. Have received a high school diploma from an accredited public or private high school by July 01, 2025.
  5. Be accepted to and plan to attend an accredited public or private college or university in 2025.
  6. The award amount of this annual scholarship depends on the number of scholarships awarded, as well as the amount of donations to the scholarship fund. The award amount will be announced on February 25, 2025, with recipients of the scholarship being announced on March 01, 2024.
  7. Each applicant must complete this application in full, and submit it to...

    2217 Independence Lane
    Buford, GA 30519

    ...no later than February 15, 2025.

Scholarship Application

Click to view/print scholarship application.


FundRacers, LLC

2217 Independence Lane

Buford, GA 30519


Let's face it, every organization or cause needs money to operate and every organization or cause wants to raise awareness or interest in it. Fundraising can be such a chore and usually is the least enjoyable part of anyone's involvement in an organization.


FundRacers changes all that!

Get in Touch

Telephone: 678.960.4695
E-mail: rob@fundracers.org



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