Benefitting: | ZTA Foundation/Breast Cancer Education and Awareness |
Time: | Registration/Check In - 5:00 p.m. |
| 5K - 6:00 p.m. |
Cost: | $25 - Just purchase the T-shirt (no 5K) |
Location: |  | Old Central State Hosptial 620 Broad Street Milledgeville, Ga
Awards: | Join ZTA and the zombies at the old Central State Hospital, Milledgeville's abandonded insane asylum for a THRILLING and Frightening run around the property. It will be a fun evening of music, zombies, door prizes and of course the run!
Run for your life through the historic Central State Hospital while being pursued by Zombies– what could be more motivational and thrilling? If you survive…) |
| Trophies given to the top overall male and female finishers as well as Master's Male and Female Finishers. Medals given to the top three in male and female 5 year increment age group categories from 10 and under all the way to 75 and up. |
All proceeds go to the ZTA Foundation which supports our philanthropy Breast Cancer Education and Awareness |